Telehealth and n Person Counselling for Adults and Teens

Grief and Loss
Change is inevitable and always involves loss.
Primary losses such as death, divorce, retrenchment, retirement, natural disaster, disease and impairment are often coupled with secondary losses of income, security, family, sense of purpose, status, friends and home. Loss is experienced when anything destroys or reduces some aspect of life or self. Even a threat of an event such as Covid 19 that undermines our sense of security and control.
For children and young people, loss can occur as part of growth and maturation such as progression from childhood to adolescents, school to university and work, separation and divorce, and even moving house. Children can experience anxiety, confusion and depression through loss of family structure, home, changing schools, friends and community, identity and sense of self.
The burden of grief and period of mourning attached to these losses are as individual as those who experience them. Grief can be best described as a personal experience or reaction to the loss. Mourning is the where the loss is incorporated into a person’s ongoing life. Mourning can include what has been lost now and what is lost for the future, and may trigger old losses, incomplete mourning events and relationships from the past.
​At Branch Out Counselling we can work with you through the stages of grieving or be there for you by providing a human presence by listening and quietly supporting you in your grief.